I have been working away, creating my new self-study program and Sensing Ground Community. You are invited to join—we open the doors this week.
I designed this program because my ROCK STEADY members were becoming symptom-free, but not free. The suffering, pains and darkness continued to haunt their weekly lives despite their chronic symptoms resolving.
Life is a roller coaster. We need skills and resilience to keep us alive, creative, connected and sensuous. To feel our bodies be invigorated by touch, sound, smell, taste, movement or emotion. To live with wholeheartedness and courage.
Sensing Ground is a pathway towards recognising our own Sacredness.
To reclaim our relationship to our body, our inner wisdom and our spirituality—whatever that is to you. It is your relationship with Something Greater.
The body is our vehicle for life. It is our receptor for receiving life. It is our translator to make sense of life.
Understanding your body and all of its neural signals, is freedom.
To know how to tend to your inner world and release tension patterns.
To live with loving attention directed inwards towards yourself and to rest inside of your own internal haven.
Your body is your sanctuary and it is strong.
You may be sensitive, and you may be strong.
The full spectrum of human experience swims freely through my being. My body trembles with aliveness that changes shape in a fluid dance that marks time like the tide.
I feel the collective joy and suffering of our world with very real intensity. It’s in my body. It’s got rhythm, melody and texture. My hair is ruffled and my skin is stretched. My muscles expand and contract in beat with the drum of our collective ignorance.
I don’t need a therapist to teach me how to feel through my feelings: I was born knowing that.
I don’t need to be pathologised or labelled for what, why or when I feel things: I am supposed to feel them.
Humans, all of us, you and I, we are designed to feel the world around us, within us.
We are living reflections of our world.
Our felt-sense is a biological tool to help us navigate our environment.
It’s useful to feel the real, raw depth of both desire and fear. It shapes us and keeps us connected to each other.
To feel deeply is not an illness, it’s a skill set.
To feel intensity is not an illness, it’s a courageous leap into freedom.
It’s living with untapped aliveness that never shuts itself down. There’s clarity within intensity that nobody can argue with. It’s deep knowing, it’s ancestral and it transcends time.
To feel the earth cry is to learn how to tend to the earth. To nourish and nurture her ecosystems.
If we fear our bodies’ sensation and turn away from it, we give our power away. We stop feeling and start dying. We feed our dying bodies anything to wake it up: sugar, drugs, noise, stuff.
To feel the pains of our collective power-imbalances is to find a way to bring back balance of power; to reclaim our individual sovereignty and inner power.
To know without seeking any external approval.
When I feel most broken, powerless, helpless and stuck, I am digesting the stories of fear that every single one of us are swimming in.
I ingest this narrative and I metabolise it, excreting it with a grace of knowing that this story does not belong to me.
You can do this too.
I feel through it to know it.
My body is my compass and filter. It knows.
I am whole, I know this. I must feel through these fear-based experiences fully in order to know what my role to play is.
To feel the pain is to welcome it in, to allow it to massage my insides and cleanse me of my own doubt.
I come out the other side knowing with razor sharp awareness that our world needs more people who are feeling the true depths fully.
Not in therapy trying to ‘get better’.
Not avoiding the pain.
Not numbing the pain.
Not washing over the pain with gratitude lists.
We are born to feel it all, this rich and nutrient dense life—this deep, dark soil of life. It’s alive.
We are born to express our deepest desires and pains, creatively moving it through our bodies, for our community to witness and feel too.
We need to express ourselves and witness each other in Sacred awe.
We need collective places where we can gather, feel whatever is real, to express and be seen without an agenda.
There is nothing to fix.
We must feel it ALL to collectively heal it.
Feeling is not something to do only in private isolation, ashamed.
It is time that we start allowing our intensity to flow through us with freedom and flight. Together.
Our bodies are strong.
Our minds may be afraid but we can move into the collective fear together, holding space for that.
Our emotions are nourishing.
Intensity is safe.
We have been sold a lie that it is unsafe to feel big things.
In my opinion, it is unsafe NOT to feel it. It hurts the body to suppress our felt-sense. We build a cage that traps us inside hard walls. We disconnect.
It hurts our world when we shut down and stop feeling the ecological strain of our planet. We need to broaden our bandwidth and learn how to feel what we feel fully.
Or we can keep scrolling, open the fridge, have another drink and watch the next Netflix series and repeat it all again tomorrow.
The choice is ours.
My body guides me in each moment, as my compass.
Pleasure flows much more freely when I am connected to my deepest feelings and digesting them. I transmute the pain and I feel pleasure flow, head to toe.
You can too.
Pleasure is the compass and she is an intimate relative of pain.
To become unafraid of pain is to discover more layers of pleasure and to take our human body for the ride it was truly born for.
Intensity, including subtlety, is our medicine.
And, yes, this can be gentle.
Indeed, it must be gentle.
Feeling is an effortless float in the surrender of what is.
Breathing through it, we find our way.
Self-trust is the medicine I was born to bring back to humanity.
Your body is yours to fully lean in towards, and to deeply trust its guidance.
Join my Sensing Ground Community to participate in these wild conversations and to begin your own explorations of pleasure, and transmuting pain.
Anyone can do it. It is just another skill to learn.