Welcome to the Master Class for Vertigo and Tinnitus  

Click play on the video below and take notes as you learn.

You can read the entire transcript and listen the slowed-down audio here.

Neuroplasticity is your body’s ability to change itself and nobody else can do this type of healing for you.  Healing is possible, but you will need to learn how to implement it for yourself.  The good news is that you can choose to do it.  This Master Class encourages you to choose what is best for you.  You are the expert in being you.  Get the support that you need to further your healing. 

ROCK STEADY participants see an average improvement to their physical, functional and emotional health of 77.3%

This is the holistic approach to healing, daily.

Listen to your peers with vertigo or tinnitus on GROUP CALL recordings share their recovery.

You don’t have to feel alone anymore. Get started today.

Recovery of PPPD: from hopelessness to empowerment

Cathy shares her experience of recovery from PPPD.  Her initial symptoms score was 78 but she now feels that she is getting back to normal after only Module 3!  Cathy describes less fatigue and nausea as well as feeling more confident, less anxiety, less fear and more peace within herself.  She says ROCK STEADY is the ‘best thing ever’ for taking back control of her life (after trying everything and still feeling helpless).

Randi’s Recovery Case Study for Lifelong dizziness and Migraine

Randi shares her experience with lifelong migraine and positional vertigo. Her initial perceived disability score was at a maximum of 100. She now has completed 3 of the 6 Modules of ROCK STEADY and has already seen her symptom score reduce to only 24. Randi shares her journey of becoming empowered. From feeling alone and debilitated to healing.

The Success Rates of ROCK STEADY: Our Research Data

We currently have 6,136* people Seeking Balance and searching for support via online resources.

The data shows that symptom progress scores are significantly improving for participants completing the six modules of ROCK STEADY.  We collect data from clients who consent to being involved in research.  We collected descriptive statistics from 489 participants around the world.  

98.6% of people initially reported feeling frustrated because of their symptoms.  51% of people had been given two or more diagnoses. 17.5% of participants reported that they had never received a final diagnosis. In our community, 49% of people report tinnitus, 51% report a vestibular condition without tinnitus, 28% of people report both symptoms of vertigo and tinnitus, and 21% of people report only tinnitus.

We had 218 participants submit a progress questionnaire during any of the six Modules in ROCK STEADY. 98% of these ROCK STEADY users would recommend the program to those suffering with vertigo or tinnitus.  

To investigate the benefits of ROCK STEADY we tracked a preliminary 21 ROCK STEADY participants who completed both pre- and post- ROCK STEADY Questionnaires. These clients were randomly selected based on the requirement that they complete both a questionnaire before Module 1 and after Module 6. Results found statistically significant improvements in all areas of life (see graphs below).

Participants who have completed module six show an average overall improvement of 77.3% since using the ROCK STEADY tools.

*As of 17th January, 2019

The average symptom score for people prior to commencing ROCK STEADY was 54.9 with a median score of 62. This means that on average participants reported disability relating to symptoms 54.9% of the time in functional, emotional or positional situations. 

The average perceived disability score for participants who completed ROCK STEADY reduced to only 12.5 with a median score of 12.

This means that after completing ROCK STEADY they were no longer perceiving symptoms 87.5% of the time. They have had a statistically significant reduction in their perception of symptoms (Z=-4.01, p<0.0001) using a Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks test.

Listen to Ruth’s Meniere’s Case Study

Ruth shares her story (listen here) on starting the ROCK STEADY program to help her ease her symptoms (foggy, heavy head, tinnitus, dizziness, fear of Meniere’s attacks, avoidance of social events…etc).  Her Symptom score has since reduced from 84% disability to only 6%.  Ruth reports feeling more ‘free’ in her mind and stronger in her body with a daily practice of 15-minutes.