The Seeking Balance Story

Joey Remenyi
MClinAud, Grad Dip AudSc, BA (Psych), ACT/CBT (cert), Senior Yoga Teacher-
Read about my credentials here.
I’m the Founder and Director of Seeking Balance International.
I’m a vestibular audiologist, registered senior yoga teacher, neuroplasticity therapist and author.
What this means is that I help you rewire your body connection so that you can feel authentic in yourself and at ease.
I have presented at medical conferences, authored journal articles and run professional workshops internationally. My ROCK STEADY® education program has helped people from all around the world heal their symptoms using neuroplasticity.
I offer a highly needed and refreshing perspective on healing for people living with chronic vertigo or tinnitus.
I am uniquely trained as a vestibular audiologist and neuroplasticity therapist, and I am neurodivergent myself with plenty of experience with sensory senstivity and sensory distortions. I take a special interest in the recovery patterns of people with persistent dizziness, vertigo and tinnitus. I use an integrative medicine approach. (I don’t sell hearing aids or prescribe ‘fixes’.)
I invite you to become your own expert, discover recovery of your sensory system, and feel normal again. You can do it in your own time, from home.
Giving Back
I believe everyone deserves access to education and support for their healing, and that money doesn’t need to be a barrier. I created ROCK STEADY scholarships to enable those experiencing financial duress to participate in my self-study programs.
The back story
My vertigo and tinnitus career started at The University of Melbourne, where I worked at the Vestibular Clinic from 2008 – 2014, with a team of elite medical specialists.
So why did I leave?
In 2008 my brother broke his neck skiing.
He became a quadriplegic, and I became one of his primary carers. Following this I experienced a few years of distressing vertigo and tinnitus myself.
I chose to leave Melbourne and live near my brother so that I could quite literally be his arms or legs when he needed assistance. And I began my own exploration in healing myself with neuroplasticity skills. The city pace was not working for me and my body.
I created Seeking Balance online so that I could leave the city for my own work-life balance, offer high-quality and accessible resources to my vertigo and tinnitus clients, and, be available as a carer for my brother.
It has quite simply been the best decision I ever made.
Working via video calls and self-study programs has enabled me to reach more people globally and see better lasting outcomes in shorter periods of time.
Shifting my professional clinic online has transformed my clients results for the better.
I am neurodivergent which means that my brain processes information in high detail, with vast amounts of interconnectivity mapped throughout my body. If I were to ignore the sublte markers of my bodily sensations, I could burnout quite easily. The ROCK STEADY Program has literally saved me, time and time again.
Changing the way I work was a process of honouring my own neurodiversity. ROCK STEADY taught me how to create a workplace that matched my strengths and nurtured my challenges.
Before I had ROCK STEADY, I pushed myself to keep up pace with others, and I masked daily as a way of life. It was exhausting, confusing and not worth it. Loud tinnitus, migraines, or disruptive dizziness were some of my bodily signals calling me back towards my authentic self. I entered the ROCK STEADY process of learning how to unmask, listen to the wisdom of my body, and how to feel what I feel with loving kindness and self compassion.
I live with my husband and two sons, and I use the ROCK STEADY tools to gracefully juggle the many challenges of life. From being a parent, a partner, and community person, to offering therapy sessions and hosting live group calls for my ROCK STEADY members—the gift of listening to my body and using neuroplasticity on the fly has been immense.
I do it my way. I give you the freedom to do it your way.

I understand how you feel
I’ve had both vertigo and tinnitus. So I get it.
I’ve had that spinning, swaying sensation. I felt distressed and ‘out of body’.
Why do I feel like this? Will I get better? How long will this take? Is it possible?
Luckily, I learnt how to navigate my way toward healing using neuroplasticity.
I got through it.
Now I’ve dedicated my career to supporting vertigo and tinnitus clients through their recovery process. I designed the digital road map.
A bit more about me
When I’m not seeking balance at work, I’m mothering, creating, connecting, and admiring the beauty of nature.
People love my ability to speak truth and hold difficult spaces with loving awareness.
I’ve done things like stand-up comedy, walked the Spanish Camino trail and played my violin for fun in community festivals around the world. These days I live a quiet life on Wadawurrung Country with my husband and two sons.
Music continues to create a pathway toward profound and lasting connections in my life.
Surfing has helped me use neuroplasticity and mindfulness skills… to be gentle with myself as I meet fears. People assume I am carefree, however, I would describe myself as riddled with fears (!) and adept at meeting those fears willingly and lovingly as they arise.
I discovered that I have a divergent mind after writing the manuscript of my second book. It was through my honouring my unique differences that this emerged and I am proud to be considered neurodivergent. I deeply celebrate neurodiversity and I welcome all neurotypes into my ROCK STEADY community.
Thanks to ROCK STEADY and my own self-study, I am a securely-attached adult, yet I relate to being a disorganised-attached child. I have personal experience of trauma recovery and this process has inspired me to remain curious about possibility, neuroplasticity and pleasure.
I am told that I am present, warm, safe, loving and wise.
My calling is to bring you one step closer to feeling at home in your body, with your inner ‘Self’.
So you know a bit about me and why I created ROCK STEADY.
Here’s the professional bio with all the serious stuff.
Media bio
Joey Remenyi
MClinAud, Grad Dip (AudSc), BA (Psych), ACT/CBT (cert), Senior Yoga Teacher-
Joey is a trained vestibular audiologist, a national bestselling author, a pioneer in recovery of complex persistent sensations, and the Founder and Director of Seeking Balance International.
Joey created ROCK STEADY®, an online community and educational program that is transforming the lives of people suffering with persistent vertigo, dizziness or tinnitus.
She supports people from all over the world on how to change their brain and body with the ‘neuroplasticity’ recovery process (see case studies here).
A leader in the field of vestibular audiology, Joey has presented at international medical conferences, authored journal articles and run workshops for professional development. She offers a highly needed and refreshing perspective on healing for people living with debilitating vertigo or tinnitus. Her first book ROCK STEADY: Healing Vertigo or Tinnitus with Neuroplasticity, published in November 2020, has already sold over 20,000 copies and been translated into four languages.

A final note
Find what works for you. Ask questions. Be informed.
May you find your own way toward wholeness and realise that you were never broken.
Your body and your brain are miraculous—listen deeply for your body’s guidance and allow your biology to reorganise itself.