
On Being Real and Welcoming Intensity

On Being Real and Welcoming Intensity

I have been working away, creating my new self-study program and Sensing Ground Community. You are invited to join—we open the doors this week. I designed this program because my ROCK STEADY members were becoming symptom-free, but not free. The suffering, pains and...

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[Part 2] On Sex, Sacred Sensuality, Orgasm and Pleasure

[Part 2] On Sex, Sacred Sensuality, Orgasm and Pleasure

So, the topic continues to be hot, and it’s political. As I see it, the way we make love shows us how we relate to the world. When sex is reduced to a thing one does to achieve climax, the whole experience is book ended. There is a separation. A beginning and an end....

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[Part 1] On Sex, Sacred Sensuality, Orgasm and Pleasure

[Part 1] On Sex, Sacred Sensuality, Orgasm and Pleasure

So, here we go. The topic is hot. For me, sex is everywhere and in every moment. Let me explain. When I’m present, consciously connected to my experience and willing to stay with it fully, I am penetrated by everything around me: breath, visual wave forms, sound,...

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On Boundaries & Motherhood

On Boundaries & Motherhood

On Motherhood Today I am going to talk about motherhood. As we grow alongside our children we reach new chapters of negotiation. (Content warning: this post may act as a powerful contraceptive, or aphrodisiac.) This weekend, my kids declared war, and we went into...

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Ecstatic Birth, Sensuality, and Power

Ecstatic Birth, Sensuality, and Power

Today I am going to talk Birth and Rites of Passage. It’s hard to share my story but I’m going to share it anyway. Why? Because stories are our most powerful medicine. Stories shape our culture. I experienced two ‘ecstatic’ births that showed me who I am. I didn’t...

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On Shame and Belonging

On Shame and Belonging

Today I am writing about shame, belonging and why this matters for our neural health. - For the last few decades shame has been slapping me in the face like a cartwheeling monkey. I thought I’d share about it, to release it from my body, as art into the world. First,...

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On Joy and My Sensuous Life

On Joy and My Sensuous Life

I’ve recently been contemplating abundance and joy as I feel it through my senses. Smelling life. The simple truth that in each moment, I truly have everything that I need. This and every following moment of sensuous presence; recharged by my own aliveness. I’m always...

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On Suicidal Lows and Existentialism

On Suicidal Lows and Existentialism

This blog post traverses some deep and tender edges that are quite common for those with persistent bodily sensations. The very edges of darkness where we feel like life is not worth living anymore. Let's talk about it. Please read this knowing that you are not alone,...

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Let’s Talk About Struggling

Let’s Talk About Struggling

Let's talk about struggling. Life can feel like a very long, dark tunnel with no end in sight. I struggle too. With my human aches and deep pain. It grips tight, sucks inwards. My thoughts circle around thin air grappling to make sense of the emotional ache. I sigh...

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