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Healing Sensory Disruptions with Neuroplasticity


Try my self-study programs that allow you to learn at your own pace, become the master of your sensory body, and join a community of like-minded peers.

Self-study programs are suitable for all conditions. 

The Seeking Balance Free Starter Kit:

This is the perfect starting place for everyone

  • Start a daily body scan for healing vertigo and tinnitus with neuroplasticity 
  • Get bonus access to The Master Class for Vertigo and Tinnitus (1 hour)

Neuroplasticity Course

ROCK STEADY®: Comprehensive support 

AU $2200* + GST for Australian Residents (*Pay-What-You-Can scholarships available).
(approx. USD $1480// EUR €1370 // £1160)

The ROCK STEADY program is a comprehensive program for anyone with symptoms persisting longer than 6 weeks

  • Step-by-step guidance including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of neuroplasticity
  • Be supported by Joey and your peers in our community
  • Learn how to support your brain, body and senses, moment to moment
  • LIVE monthly calls with Joey and dozens of call replays

The 7 Days of Support Program

AU$100 + GST for Australian residents
(approx. USD $68 // EUR €62 // £54)​​​​​​​

This program is perfect for anyone with difficult or intermittent symptoms

  • Discover ways to create new neural pathways for healing 
  • Receive ~5 minute audios direct to your email daily
  • Learn how to rebuild your sensations of ‘normal’ 
  • This includes Starter Kit videos, audios and worksheets

There is a force within that gives you life — Seek that.”
