Your Workbook Companion!

Chapter 7

Welcome to Chapter 7!

Explore these bonus home exercise ideas and resources below.

:: Deepen Your Connection to Your Breath.

You can expect your breathing to change often. The length, depth, sound, shape, quality, character, nature, and timing of your breathing will fluctuate. All of these things will change each time you notice the intricate nature of your own breathing. Many people never stop to notice their breath, so this might be new for you. Others take on yoga or meditation classes, and they begin to boss their breath around! Perhaps they try to keep up with a teacher’s instructions or attempt to force deeper, sharper breathing—this is unnecessary.

Let your body breathe naturally and simply be witness to it. Do not boss it around, deepen it, change it, or manage it in any way at all. Do not let anyone else tell you how to meet and observe your breath. Your breath is your sacred business and yours alone. Let it flow you through you, trust it, and observe it. Get to know your breath in the here and now.

How does it make you feel to pause and witness your breath? Is it soothing, calming, distressing, annoying, tedious, or awe-inspiring? Notice how you relate to yourself and your body. If you notice feeling edgy, critical, anxious, or impatient during this exercise, give it a rest for now and try again tomorrow. Or consider seeking private therapy to help you cultivate a friendliness and supportive relationship within yourself. For some people with a strong inner critic, this will be a huge endeavor. For others, self-kindness and curiosity will come naturally.