What is Neural Circuit Dizziness?

What is Neural Circuit Dizziness?

Dizziness is a sensation where we feel unexpected internal movement or we feel not quite right— what we sense and feel doesn’t match the situation we are in.

Dizziness comes from neural signals or nerve cells talking to each other. Those neural signals will be starting and ending somewhere between the inner ears (in the vestibular balance system) and the brain.

Those inner ear neural messages will be creating circuits, networks, and pathways to communicate with our eyes to stabilize our vision, and our spinal cord for posture. Our balance spinal reflexes respond appropriate to the situation, whether we are sitting, standing, or walking, these very fast refelxes keep us feeling steady and stable. The brain is integrating and coordinating all of these neural messages and neural circuits.

When there’s dizziness, something’s out of whack. It doesn’t feel quite right. There is an imbalance in the system somewhere. So, neural circuit dizziness refers to neural pathways that really need reestablishing, re-organsing, re-centering, or re-steadying.

I recommend a self-study process such as the ROCK STEADY program to help rebuild new normal  balance pathways if there is a neural circuit dizziness that’s chronic and not resolving. If you’re not sure where you’re at, neural circuit dizziness can resolve in seconds, or it can resolve in minutes. We can expect dizziness to be resolved naturally within six weeks. So, if it’s ongoing in a chronic condition, chronic dizziness, that neural circuitry is getting locked in the dizziness signal pattern.

The ROCK STEADY program has tools to help reverse any dizzy neural circuits and to reestablish new normalized balance pathways so that the dizziness signal is weakened. We override the dizzy signals with normal balance pathways using neuroplasticity and changing how those nerve cells communicate so that we can feel normal again.


Is There Such a Thing As a Neuroplasticity Therapist?

Is There Such a Thing As a Neuroplasticity Therapist?

Yes, a neuroplasticity therapist is someone who understands how your neural networks are talking to each other — communicating with each other — and how to guide someone through feeling their way and embodying their way through neural circuit changes. It would be someone who has a vast amount of experience in embodying a therapy — embodying a process. It’s not something that would be learned through books or through theoretics. A neuroplasticity therapist will be someone who actually works in the body, in their own body and in their client’s body, to help navigate, “How can I take this neural experience and perhaps massage it over to that neural experience?” which will be highly individualized for each person. So the therapist will be very experienced in targeting how to shape our home practice and how to develop a home program with someone.

My ROCK STEADY program is designed to help you become your own neuroplasticity therapist, where you ask questions and you answer your own questions using your body as a guide. It is ideal that we all become our own neuroplasticity therapist. However, sometimes it’s nice to have a professional to hold our hand and guide us, or to use a program with comprehensive guidance to help build that awareness and those skills.


Mindfulness Exercises for Tinnitus

Mindfulness Exercises for Tinnitus

If you are hearing unusual and unwanted or bothersome sounds in your body and ears, the first thing you need to do is recognize it’s normal to hear the sounds in your ears. It will not hurt you and it is not a sign that there is something wrong with you. However, it’s always useful to get medical clearance. Once you’ve got medical clearance and you understand that your body does make sound, and it’s safe and okay to hear it, it becomes much easier to step into mindfulness exercises of being present with what is in your body, being nonjudgmental, practicing awareness without bias so that we can sit in our body and scan our sensory system, including touch. We might even have our eyes open and be mindfully looking at what we see. We might be mindfully noticing what we smell or taste. And, of course, mindfully noticing what we hear.

And for those of you with tinnitus, it’s really important to welcome in your body sounds rather than resist them or avoid them, but then also move on. Welcome them in and say, “Well, what else can I hear? Can I hear a clock ticking on the wall? Can I hear a bird outside my window? Can I hear the neighbor’s car or some traffic over there? Can I hear anything further away?” So, really getting a sense of not only your immediate sound environment, but also your local neighboring and further afield sound environments, practicing presence, awareness, non-judgment, and ultimately coming back to that self-kindness that is so central to the ROCK STEADY process, the ROCK STEADY healing, and the ROCK STEADY program.


What Are the Best Neuroplasticity Programs?

What Are the Best Neuroplasticity Programs?

I love this question. However, it’s probably not for me to answer for you because you are the expert in you. I have written a book, ROCK STEADY, which talks about neuroplasticity, what it is, how we could implement it, and why it’s important. It’s a capacity for our brain and body to change, particularly with our nervous system and our neurons, and how they talk to each other. Everything we do, whether it’s moving our arms and legs, talking, listening, seeing, smelling, tasting, everything we do has a neural network and we have a lot of pattern recognition to help us very quickly analyze the world, respond to the world, and experience the world. Rather than to hear a cluster of sounds, we hear words, we hear sentences, there’s context. So, neuroplasticity is about rebuilding a new normal so that what we hear and how we move and what we feel feels solid, feels steady, feels at peace, feels calm, feels relaxed, and, in a nutshell, feels like this new normal that we have created.

I have a Free Starter Kit for people who are interested in just getting a little taster, which includes my masterclass on healing Vertigo & Tinnitus with neuroplasticity. I have a 7-day Support Program, which is about learning how to be kind to ourselves, how to identify what we’re feeling, create safety, and look at what we don’t like, how to deescalate fear, start to ask some really simple but powerful questions to engage in the neuroplasticity process. I have an Overcoming Trauma program, which helps look at trauma patterns, whether they’re generational trauma, whether it’s an acute trauma, whether it’s subtle and chronic trauma over a lifetime since childhood. In this program we explore how we can actually soften, learn about ourselves, and reverse some of those trauma patterns using neuroplasticity so that, again, we can build a new normal and come back to this expansive, relaxed, spacious, available version of ourselves rather than feeling triggered and closed, and contracted, and constricted, which is classic for someone who’s experiencing trauma, and that can really impact our ability to work and to hold relationships, and to have a fun, easygoing, carefree life.

And then, my most comprehensive guidance is the ROCK STEADY program. It’s a neuroplasticity program with global peer support. We have live monthly calls. It is jam-packed with tools that cover the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms of healing. You get to explore that in your own time. You literally become the expert in your body and learn how to heal by listening to your body. We see amazing results with the ROCK STEADY program, and that would definitely be my recommendation for someone who’s serious about using neuroplasticity. The ROCK STAEDY path is life changing and I continue to use the ROCK STEADY skills and tools in my own life, even though I no longer have any vertigo, tinnitus, or dizziness symptoms. And a lot of my trauma patterns are now softened or weakened or resolved because I’m in this process of listening and responding to my body in real time every day. I find it to be the biggest gift. So, the ROCK STEADY program would be my best program for me and the one I recommend for anyone who is resonant and relates to the conversations I’m having.


How to Repair the Autonomic Nervous System

How to Repair the Autonomic Nervous System

I love this question and it shows that there’s a little bit of an understanding about how we have this nervous system that could potentially be in fight, flight, and freeze mode, protecting us and working very hard to keep us safe. But there’s also another part to the autonomic nervous system, which is the parasympathetic nervous system, and that’s what helps us to digest our food, to rest, to sleep, to engage in feeling joy and pleasure, and sensuality, and sexuality, and that part of our nervous system can be hijacked by the sympathetic system, which is potentially overprotecting us when it’s locked in fear or anxiety. It doesn’t want to trust anyone or anything, and that can keep us in chronic symptoms — can keep us in chronic conditions, and can prevent the body from adequately going into that beautiful, lovely, soft repair zone. So, repairing the nervous system and learning how to disengage and sooth the anxiety system, the stress system, and to switch into the repair system, rest and digest system, at call, is important in the healing process.

Once we’ve got those skills and learned how to do it, we can do it whenever we want, wherever we are. Everybody does it differently. The way you do it will be different to how I do it. There is a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual piece, or pieces, I should say, that we need to understand about ourselves, to learn how to engage that parasympathetic system. It’s not cookie cutter. It’s not like taking a few deep breaths is going to work for everybody all the time.

But what could it look like? Yes, it could look like taking time to yourself. It could be having some smooth, steady, natural breaths. It could be going for a walk. It could be self-talk. It could be holding yourself physically and cuddling yourself in whatever way feels nourishing. It could be talking to a friend. It could be writing yourself a letter. It could be tapping through limiting beliefs that are holding you back. It could be directly meeting a fear and embracing that fear, and greeting that fear, and coming to peace with that fear. It could be feeling through a trauma pattern until the trauma pattern resolves. There are lots of ways to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and self-regulate that sympathetic stress system, and the best way to navigate that is through self-study, which means listening to your body, knowing yourself, and knowing how to respond in real time here and now to your present needs.


Tinnitus After the Covid-19 Vaccine

Tinnitus After the Covid-19 Vaccine

I am hearing a lot about people that are noticing new sounds in their ears, head, or body after the COVID-19 vaccine. Anytime our body is busy biologically, like when it’s busy building an immune response and navigating what the vaccine looks like and feels like, there’s this biological conversation happening in the body that absolutely can result in new sounds being created by the body and heard by the ears. It won’t happen for everybody, but it makes sense, and it’s certainly a normal scenario and nothing that I would suggest anybody needs to worry about.

If you are worried about your tinnitus, you can join my ROCK STEADY community. I’ve written a book called ROCK STEADY as well. I have a ROCK STEADY program and I have comprehensive guidance on how you can reverse tinnitus, rebuild new normal pathways that feel solid, steady, and peaceful for you. You can recreate inner calm. And the way to really move forward with tinnitus is to take that physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual approach so that you’re really looking at all of you as a person and how to resolve the unwanted neural messages that are moving from A to B, that are making a sound that’s upsetting you.

That will be a comprehensive process for you to look into and say, “Okay, what is my body saying to me? How can I respond to this? Is there an emotional piece at play? Are there mental thoughts, persistent doubts, worries that I need to address? Are there physical needs my body is screaming out for?” which can be as simple as improving sleep hygiene. And then, spiritually, it’s like, “Well, do I even believe in my body to heal? Am I trying to look outside of myself for a magic pill device or expert to fix me?” The ROCK STEADY process helps you become the expert in your own healing. It helps you resolve your tinnitus, looking at that picture of the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual aspects of how your body is wired and perhaps the new normal you want to build moving forwards, so that you can get your life back and live normally and at peace.