An ancient dance
I am pollen, floating in the breeze
I am the bush ant, the sweet and lazy gum leaf
I am the compost, it’s decay and it’s rot
I am the shelter, I am the grey parking lot
Whatever I see, it enters me
It touches my soul, I am made whole
Whoever I meet, it moves through my bones
I enter a pause, a dance with life force
The bell, the ball, the fireplace
The leucopogan scrub
Hello Thornbill singing just over my shoulder
I feel as you touch my heart
The sand grain by grain, the ocean drops, the cormorant over head
Whatever I see, it enters me
It touches my soul, I am made whole
Whoever I meet, it moves through my bones
I enter a pause, a dance with life force
The shrubby glasswort and the snails in the salt marsh
The white fronted chat and the Flame Robin calling my name
The waxing moon by the rising tide
She’s holding my hand
She’s holding my hand
It’s all here, now
It’s all here, now
An ancient dance
Whatever I see, it enters me
It touches my soul, I am made whole
Whoever I meet, it moves through my bones
I enter a pause, a dance with life force
For much of my life I have lived in disconnection
I am well equipped to separate myself from everyone and everything else
I can shut down my sensory body and pause all feeling
I can pretend that I am not breathing in the abundance of photosynthesising flora
I can deny the fact that local vegetation receives my exhale as food for their growth
I have feared touching earth, being washed upon rocky shores, bitten by bugs or blood sucked by leeches
I have told myself that I shouldn’t feel the prickly moses bush scratch me and I should stay indoors
Protected. Afraid. Separate.
Until a lightening bolt of screaming righteousness met me face to face
I shook and I cried as I felt the sensation of earth envelop and penetrate me
Our interconnnectedness a sacred ecology of relationships that expand with each breath
The give and take of life force orchestrating all form and formless parts within the whole
Entering and leaving me
at all times
It is because I have such intimate knowledge of disconnection that I understand deep connection
I can zoom in and out of connection as skilfully as I can disconnect, remove myself and block all receptivity
I can lie to myself and all beings
I can live inside a cage of deluded reality
And, I can sing through earth, as earth, through the boundlessness of form, where there is no exact boundary
And everything makes more sense
There was nobody else
In the quiet, I silenced myself
Nobody heard my pains
and nobody felt my tears
I ceased to exist
The pitch black of night entered my body like hot tar, burning my tendons into rigid strongholds
I held it together
I was strong
In the dark of the night I slept like an owl, watching out for someone or something who made sense
I lived at the edges, alert to the hardness and hoping for more than this
The only softness I found was at the bottom of an impossibly deep well, a well of sadness
I landed in her waters, and I baptised myself into the religion of sovereignty
My hollowed centre swelled with buds of possible forms
My hardened tendons rested in a bath of being held
The well waters absorbed the black tar and softened my hardened silence
I sang
A red gold carport unfurled
as I stepped out of the impossibly deep well
Jesus took my hand and gave me a crown of flowers which I placed upon my wet hair
My hips swayed to the music within me
I walked into the world
as The Queen of Myself
Found in Silence
In the space that sits between all else, I feel a depth of sadness that is bigger than me
Lost worlds of laughter
Lost hours of subtle touch
Lost truths hidden underneath icecaps of fear
I was found in the silence of my own experience
I am the space in between
I am stillness in the noise, watching, waiting, and gathering up the threads of all—the interconnected web of real life
I am pulled between the real and non-real
The seen and unseen
The known and unknown
I feel power in my difference and my feet are earthed
My heart is softened like a sand dune crumbling generously in the wind—offering infinite grains of self to other
My mind is fiercely curious
I seek a container of sense making
to balance out the chaos and confusion that I witness
The view from where I look is vast, breathtaking, spacious, gentle, and clear
A twilight purple with stars beginning to twinkle and the dark readying itself upon us
nourishing our lives with pause, rest and dreaming
May we remember to dream again
May we pause often and feel our inner lands
May we slowly reach outwards for authentic connection with each other—both human and non-human
May we remember beauty and softness
Vulnerability is Power
My vulnerability is my power
When I walk into dark places
With no map and no guide
I rest into the depths of myself
I am alive
With life force, spiralling, expanding, pulsing within the body of me
When I stay in my body
I expand into everything
I feel myself awake
invigorated with life itself
Tendrils of hope, and clarity
Show me the way
The dark holds me in her womb
Here, I know what I want
And I am no longer trembling
I want to write
I want to connect with the wider web of Support
I want to sing, dance and play
I want to expand into both myself and my place in the whole
I want to feel both Self and self at once
Radiant with my own fullness
Settled into myself
Walking the Earth as I am
Free from the tangles of other
I don’t want power and freedom—
I am powerful and free.
When I walk wide-eyed and willing into the Soul of vulnerability
I am shown my way home
The field is alive
Thousands of us all together
Holding silence
Beyond words
The wind speaks
The space in between us has opened
The field is alive
Can you feel it?
Such richness emerges
The magpie sings
The waves roar
Our ancestors standing tall
As we return into dust, mud and dirt
The wind washes us clean
For a moment
Thick, dense, connections
Weaving us wordlessly wayward
There, I said it.
I’m holding it in
When I see a baby orca taken from its mother and wild ocean home
Captured for human entertainment.
At SeaWorld
Humans, we need to be more kind and respectful to non-humans.
There, I said it.
I’m holding it in.
When I’m surrounded by plastic trinkets that spin, beep, shine.
Single use clutter.
Unnecessary, cute paraphernalia
Decorations for consumer holidays.
Humans, we need to be more kind, appreciative and respectful towards the breast milk of our living earth—this isn’t mere resource—this is life force in varying forms.
Everything, including plastic, is sacred and part of our shared ecological whole.
Let’s create cultural celebrations without waste and centred on internal contentment instead of external wanting.
There, I said It
I’m holding it in.
The dry earth, dead shorebirds
The grey concrete urban deserts.
The earth-moving machinery, moving more earth
Disturbing more aliveness and disrupting the unfolding patterns of microbial life.
Damage to our precious critter relations who contribute to the health of our already suffering and strained ecological system
Humans, we need to learn when life and aliveness rely on our care, stewardship and responsibility for our ongoing collective health.
We can’t destroy the heart of our planetary systems and expect continual regeneration.
We are part of the regeneration.
May we consider generative collective systems, abandon economic growth metrics, and return to our true nature of connection, respect, kindness, and ‘degrowth’
May we remember when enough really, truly, is enough.
There I said it
Holding it in.
New cars, new homes, new stuff.
What was wrong with the old one?
Why aren’t we habitually recycling, repurposing and reusing because we can?
Why are we forced into necessity before these simple options take hold as a normative and respectful way to honour the abundance of earth?
Humans, we need to be accountable and responsible for our individual relationship to earth
Not because it’s externally dictated and enforced,
but because it feels good to be in direct, loving and respectful relationship with the living earth
Who created every single thing that we use, touch or ‘own’
We don’t really own anything.
Everything circulates back into our atomic pantry.
There, I said it.
Holding it in
With asylum seeking refugees detained in prison, stripped of their humanity
With ageing women under-resourced, homeless without savings
Because they gave all of themselves to the outer world.
Tending to our children, tending to our odd jobs, putting aside their creative power.
Just as they were taught to do.
They took care of the collective ‘us’.
Humans, we need to recognise the depth of humanity and creative power in other humans.
We need to stop caging people up and enforcing the same patterns of power imbalance on repeat.
There, said it
Holding it in.
As media talk about polycrisis and Permacrisis.
The scattering of hopelessness and the many dislocations of our modern, capitalist world.
Political polarisation – them versus us!
Economic delusions – growth till we die!
Cultural denial, Artificial Intelligence, genocide, biohazards, war, Indigenous Knowing melting away like the ice caps.
Humans, maybe we need to consider not many crises, but rather one huge turning point of discernment.
What if this is a metacrisis and a Metanoia?
A time of radical change within ourselves.
A time to change how we experience the world, how we relate to the world as a living organism and how we embody respect, appreciation, kindness, and compassion
What if this is a time of radical differentiation
For each human to dwell in their own nature, as they are, with the idea of externalised norms thrown out of the equation.
A return to nature
Within and without.
There, I said it .
To me or through me?
The legs of my mind
Running, fast
From points of orderless rubble
Collective chaos
To layers of expansive wetland
Fragile cycles, water song, glasswort, stilts, harriers, and mud
Stillness and running
Both, and.
The soft, warm mud
The sincere almost-still waters
The food chain before me
And within me
Parts gobbled up, chewed, swallowed
Into me, of me
The parts within parts
The food chain of orderless,
Collective chaos
The legs of my mind are hungry
Below there’s a dark fall
Deeper than “allowed”
Above there’s a wall
Built by hands not my own
Built by non-hands
I chew and I munch
Nourished and reshaped
The dark below is a fertile web of real and non-real
The immense space above me is a warm glow of possibility
The mind of my feet rest deeply into the web of what is
Standing, floating, tickled, ready
The mind of my legs are softened, earthed, flying, prepared
There’s no beginning, no end, no race and nowhere else to be
No singular “thing” happens to me
Boundless time and space move through changing cycles of “me”.
Ode to my Inner Angry White Woman (Loving Balance)
I have an Angry White Woman living inside of me
She is sometimes in my shoulder hiding behind my left scapula
Sometimes she sits in the concha bowl of my right ear
Sometimes she grinds my teeth
Sometimes she lodges into my lower back and camps there for a week
When I’m in a board meeting with monoculture-thinking creating policies that affect us all
She speaks to disrupt the excessive coherence
She politely suggest that we consider the non-humans impacted by growth targets, development and habitat loss
Groupthink can kill living systems
She knows
My Inner Angry White Woman seeks to disrupt homogenisation and loss of diversity
She nurtures aliveness
When I’m dancing among chaos, where nobody agrees
There is no common ground, and no human connection
My Inner Angry White Woman speaks up
She dances like a worm and invites everyone to listen
“We need shared purpose and a container for our life force!”
She exclaims truth to protect our collective balance
My Inner Angry White Woman was given her name by the Monoculture Thinkers and the Chaos Makers
(not their real names)
If I were to give her a new name, I’d call her Loving Balance
She seeks to meet polarisation not match it
She seeks to return the cycle from extremes back toward common ground, acceptance of our differences and embodiment of our shared humanity
She cares not for herself alone, but for the whole—of which she knows she is a powerful part
She cares not for names thrown at her because she knows that no name can define her
She tends to the garden, turns the compost and sleeps well at night
Sometimes she lives in my whole body as a pulse of love that begins in my centre and radiates out into the interconnected wider cosmos
She touches the unknown and weaves the unseeable edges
She binds us all
Part by part
Back into a whole
Loving Balance
She is quenched disorder
Randomly scattered throughout our day
Creating the next unfurling fractal of evolution
My Soup:Our Soup:Human Soup
1 cup of heavy blanket (damp & stinky)
1 tablespoon of righteousness, hiding and shining-bright wit
Finally chopped absence, self-abuse, dismissiveness, light and love
Half cup of contradicting seas
1 teaspoon of wakeful sleep
Grated aliveness, self-worth, self-love, self-permission, centredness, and groundedness
A sprinkle of profound dislocation
A dash of deep connection
Three large scoops of greed, defensiveness, overprotection, and hypervigilance
Place all ingredients in a container of loving awareness and slowly stir with kindness
Sing to them, listen to their songs, and welcome them home
Remind each flavour, texture and spice that they belong
Blend everything with together with pure intent until it creates a continuous whole
Season as needed (your needs matter)
Enjoy warm, or if you feel full, freeze for a later date
My Heart
My heart
creates waves
that pump, pulse, and roll
Outward thrashing
through walls on the inside
crashing and churning
past restrictions that had me
bound, blinded and blocked
My heart
thrums into eternity
from the centre of me
I feel so powerful
that I must cry
Tears of joy
Tears of life
Tears of me
There is a space between ‘having’ and ‘not having’.
It is freedom, ever present and easy to miss.
I’m curious about this.
What is having anyways?
Is it a neurological experience that temporarily washes over us, synapses firing, an interface between inner and outer worlds, an illusion that something is captured at a still point in time?
There was a whisper of stuckness in my body that
no expert could reach,
no yoga pose could touch,
and no external intervention could identify, see or work with.
It was an accumulation of stories that entered me, and made a home.
The stories were not mine,
they don’t belong with me,
and my body was never their home.
So, I threaded words together and
I posted those stories
in the form of poetry.
The poems came from my L5/S1 joint
and when they left me,
they took with them
the dull ache of unbelonging.
The Moon and I
When I was younger
in my darkest moments
I cried alone
and I spoke to The Moon
I couldn’t find a human
to bear witness
to the rivers, mountains, deserts, shores, rainforests and icecaps
within me
Only the moon knew
of my inner complexity
Now I’m older
I no longer cry alone
I have learned that my non-human friends
create a sacred space
that humans cannot
Ontology (the nature of being)
I allow the snake to bite,
venom bleeding into me
I bow to the broken Goddess, as art remade, renewed
I release all of my knowing,
to become whoever I really am
I feel the sunshine’s warmth, an outer warmth that massages my insides
I feel the spinifex seed,
it’s spiky sensations of fertility and beauty,
a spiral of expansion that I hold in my hand and feel in my heart
I am heavy with familiar as my toddler creeps and crawls over my chest in search of a bed, a bed that is my body
I taste his salty skin and smell his fragrant heart, until it weighs so heavily within me that I devour the full menu of Sublime
I transcend this place of “known”, “seen” and “done”
I become the field of continuous becoming
I am, for these precious moments, the mystery of all life
I am somebody and nobody
I am a body, and I am not a body
I am.
I am empty
I do not lack
Everything that nourishes
all the food for heart, mind, body and soul
arrives at each moment
Like a gift tenderly wrapped
delivered to my door
And received with grace
It unfolds within and without
I inhale its essence with sweet pause
With its presence, I am full
May everybody receive this nourishment of life, deep within their bones
And so, I return the gift back into all
emptying myself again
Approximately 90 days after I turned 40
something stirred within me
the Sacred pattern of life entered my body
and every breath carried with it the ancient source of all life
the current of universal creation
sang through my marrow
awakening a sense of divinity
that has strengthened
with each and every breath
It dances to the pulse
of my own heartbeat
the same thrum of life
that pulses through all living beings
touching and shaping us
there is nothing that I cannot touch
and nothing that cannot touch me
in the heart of life
with loss, death and war
I feel deep grief, sorrow, sadness
and an expanding toroidal shaped of love
The Heart of Loneliness
I know Loneliness well
She lives in my heart
We can fight and mock each other, scrambling for a sense of comfort
Or we roll together on the floor laughing, belly laughs echoing into the mud upon which we deeply sink
Loneliness comes to me and offers me her heart
She surrenders her will and falls into me with a trust so deep that I can’t help but adore and love her
It is because of Loneliness and her deep trust in my essence that I can’t really be lonely for long
With Loneliness in my heart, I am never truly alone
She warms, tickles and invites me back into deep time, deep space, and the deep echos of all who know her