The Seeking Balance Story

About Joanna Remenyi, Vestibular audiologist and Mindfulness Educator:

Qualifications: BA, MClinAud, MaudSA (CCP), ACT/CBT (cert), Registered Senior Yoga Teacher



Joey Remenyi

MClinAud, MaudSA (CCP), BA (Psych), ACT/CBT (cert), Senior Yoga Teacher- 

Read about my credentials here.


I’m the Founder and Director of Seeking Balance Australia.

I’m a vestibular audiologist, registered senior yoga teacher, mindfulness educator and neuroplasticity scientist .

What this means is that I help you rewire and retrain your body so that you can feel at ease.

I am the only vestibular audiologist in Australia with a primary focus upon recovery of persistent dizziness and tinnitus.  I use anintegrative medicine approach. And I don’t sell hearing aids.

Through my private clinic and world-class eLearning support programs, I teach you HOW to rediscover your confidence holistically and do it on your terms, at home.

The back story

My vertigo and tinnitus career started at The University of Melbourne, including working at its world-class Vestibular Clinic from 2008 – 2014, with a team of elite medical specialists.

So why did I leave?  

In 2008 my brother broke his neck skiing.  

He became a quadriplegic, and I became one of his primary carers.

I chose to leave Melbourne and live near my brother so that I could quite literally be his arms or legs when he needed assistance.  

I created Seeking Balance online so that I could live by the coast, offer high-quality, accessible resources to my vertigo and tinnitus clients, and be available as a carer for my brother.  

It has quite simply been the best decision I ever made (read more).  

Working via video calls and eLearning platforms has enabled me to reach more people globally and see better lasting outcomes in shorter periods of time.  

Shifting my professional clinic online has transformed my clients results for the better and given me the flexibility to surf on my lunch breaks.  

I do it my way.  I give you the freedom to do it your way.

I understand how you feel

I’ve had both vertigo and tinnitus. So I get it.

I’ve had that spinning, swaying sensation. I felt distressed and ‘out of body’.

Why do I feel like this? Will I get better? How long will this take? Is it possible?

Luckily, I could navigate my way to use neuroplasticity.

got through it.

Now I’ve dedicated my career to supporting vertigo and tinnitus clients through their recovery process.  I designed the digital road map.

A bit more about me

When I’m not seeking balance at work, I’m creating, connecting, and jumping into the beauty of nature.  

People love my ability to say YES to random opportunities.

I’ve done things like stand-up comedy, walked the Spanish Camino trail and played my violin in festivals around the world. 

Music has created a pathway to profound and lasting friendships in my life.

Surfing has helped me use neuroplasticity and mindfulness skills… to go from total overwhelm to ease.

I am told that I am present, warm, engaging, loving and wise.

My calling is to bring you one step closer to your sovereignty, your inner ‘Self’.

So you know a bit about me and why I created Seeking Balance.

Here’s the professional bio with all the serious stuff.

Media bio

Joanna Remenyi (Joey) is your balance maven and the Founder and Director of Seeking Balance Australia.

Armed with a Masters in Clinical Audiology and a Bachelor of Arts (Major in Psychology) from The University of Melbourne, as well as 18 years of mindfulness practice, Joey is experienced in bringing a methodical recovery process to those with audio-vestibular conditions.

Known as a vestibular audiologist, mindfulness educator, global presenter, senior registered yoga teacher and neuroplasticity-focused scientist, Joey helps people suffering from dizziness, tinnitus and vertigo take positive steps towards finding ease within their recovery.

Joey offers training to health professionals and runs world class self-study vertigo/tinnitus programs designed to empower clients to understand their symptoms and rewire their inner experience.

A final note 

Find what works for you.  Ask questions.  Be informed.

I’m here to help you find your own way of recovery.

Let’s begin your balance journey now.
